Thursday, May 8, 2008

How To Last Longer In Bed

Premature ejaculation is a widespread problem that many men, from teenagers to grown men, experience every time they have sex. This particular problem can easily make men lose their interest in sex, and in some cause depression. In my opinion problems are to be solved, by any means necessary. Find out how to last longer in bed and make your partner happier.

The primary causes for premature ejaculation are stress, performance anxiety and an untrained PC muscle.

If you are stressed out from work, having money problems, basically anything that makes you stressful, your performance in the bedroom will be affected.

You need to discover what it is that causes you to be stressed out all the time, and solve that particular problem.

Another thing that affects your performance, and how long you last, is performance anxiety. This particular problem is more common among couples who just recently started dating. Does she like that? Am I going to fast? Is she going to have an orgasm? Questions like that often pop into your head, and before you know it, you have ejaculated.

You need to communicate with your partner, I believe communication is the strongest sex tool available. Simply tell her you are nervous, and if she is normal, she will understand completely. If not, you need to ask yourself, "can I see myself with a woman like that?"

An untrained PC muscle can also be causing premature ejaculation. The PC muscle is the muscle used to cut off the flow of urine when urinating. If you train that muscle, you will be able to control your ejaculation and your orgasms will become much more powerful. Spend at least 15 minutes each day flexing this muscle. You can flex it anywhere you like, at your desk for example, no one will ever know.

The above methods are the ones I use to last longer in bed, and have amazing sex as a result.

End premature ejaculation the easy way, visit Last Longer In Bed

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey do you know there is an e book on how to control Premature Ejaculation now. That helped me a lot.